Recents in Beach

Weird animals

                    Weird animals

Hey friends, have you heard about unicorns. Sadly, they are not real. But there are some really weird animals in the real world that you may not know existed. Well, let's find out.

1.Mantis shrimp
a.Mantis shrimp is a colourful ocean creature that is much deadlier than it looks. The clubs on its arms can shoot out with the force of gunshot!
b.The punch of this little one is so fast it causes a bubble of light and heat when it hits which is called cavitation.
c.They cannot only see colour but also UV and Polarised light. Furthermore, their eyes can even move separately from each other. We may not have a superman but we have a super-shrimp.
Weird animals

a.Tardigrade also known as water bears, are even stronger. 
b.Boil them, deep-freeze them, crush them, dry them or blast them into space Tardigrades will survive them all and come back for more.
c.Tardigrades have been around for 500 million years. Even longer than the dinosaurs.

3.Glaucus Atlanticus
a.This beautiful creature called Glaucus Atlanticus is a tricky ocean being. That likes to with the flow, literally.
b.It moves where the wind waves take it which is why they can be found all over the world.
c.But don't go on its looks, it carries a deadly poison in its limbs which it steals from its prey, such as the Portuguese Man O War. Its trickery doesn't end there.
d.This blue sea slug floats on the water upside down to camouflage itself from predators both above and below. This is because the colours on both its side are different. Even if they get flipped they flip back to camouflage themselves.

4.Pacu Fish
a.This fish is known for its teeth which looks like none other than human teeth. But don't worry because they usually eat plants and are mostly harmless to humans.

a.So what if there are no real unicorns on land? There are Narwhals also called the unicorns of the Sea.
b.Well the male usually has a tusk which is an enlarged tooth with up to 10 million nerve endings inside. Oh, and the tusk can grow up to 10 feet long.

             FUN FACTS

Did you know that there are 8.7 million species on Earth? Out of which only 1-2 million species are animals. The blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an adult elephant.

So friends always are inquisitive and keep exploring. Till then bye.


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